- Category: Uncategorized
- What is a Last Will and Testament?
- What is a Living Will and Should I Have One?
- My Child Is Receiving Government Aid. Should That Affect My Estate Planning?
- What is a good way to transfer my home to my children upon my death, without my children having to go through probate?
- How can I easily provide for my beneficiaries upon my death, at no cost to me now, and avoid probate in the future?
- What is a Power of Attorney?
- When I die, will there be anything left for my family after the government takes estate taxes?
- My family member died and had been leasing a safe-deposit box. How do I get whatever is in the safe-deposit box?
- Are your children protected in case of a medical emergency?
- What are the Benefits of Using a Real Estate Attorney vs. a Title Company?
- Happy New Year!
- HELOCs and Home Equity Loans: The tax deduction may be curtailed. What does this mean for homeowners?
- What are the income tax benefits of moving to Florida?
- Pros and Cons of Naming Multiple Fiduciaries
- Can I Bequeath My Home to a Beneficiary Who Has a Judgement Against Them?
- What is involved with starting a charity?
- Living Will vs A Do Not Resuscitate Order
- What are Nuptial Agreements?
- How Do Creditors Affect My Estate When I Pass Away?
- Social Media, Digital Assets and E-mail Upon Death (Part I of II)
- Social Media, Digital Assets and E-mail Upon Death (Part II of II)
- When Private Foundations Reach the End of the Road
- What Should Floridians Know About Community Property
- What happens to your travel points when you pass away?
- Heckerling Institute Summary – Part 1
- Heckerling Institute Summary – Part 2
- Titling Assets in Florida
- Estate Planning for College-Bound Students
- Will my Estate be Subject to any Wealth Transfer Taxes Upon my Death? A/K/A Will I Pay any Death Taxes When I Die?
- Can my tax-exempt organization engage in political campaign activities?
- The Importance of Beneficiary Designations in Estate Planning
- Keeping Your Estate Plan Up-to-Date
- A Brief Breakdown of the IRS’s Tax-Exempt Organization Classifications
- What is an IRA Charitable Rollover?
- What is Death with Dignity & Assisted Suicide? Are they legal in Florida?
- 529 Plans: What to Do with the Leftovers
- What's New in Charitable Giving
- So You Won the Lottery….
- I Signed my Estate Planning Documents, Now What?
- Hurricanes, Disasters and Taxes
- Notary vs Medallion Signature Guarantee
- Estate Planning for Timeshares
- Credit Reports and Identity Theft
- What Can I Do to Protect my Pets When I Die?